170 servings to sustain an adult or child through a long-term emergency. This kit offers 11 food varieties to make sensible breakfast, lunch, and dinner options for the workforce to stay nourished and avoid the distress of empty grocery shelves. The combination of protein, carbs, vegetables, and fruit means access to enough calories, essential vitamins, fiber, and flavor to bring added comfort to a workday. High reliability organizations do whatever is necessary to take care of essential employees. Secure Foods 1 Person 7 Days Kit helps families remain self-reliant through emergencies and offers employees the assurance that workers will keep showing up from disaster to recovery.
1 Person 7 Days Emergency Food Kit
- 8.8 pounds of food
- 16,240 total calories
- 170 servings
- 25 year shelf life
- 13 sealed mylar pouches for freshness and convenience
- Package Dimentions:: 14x10x10