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Urgent Call to CEOs: Critical Need for Emergency Food On-Hand Amidst Escalating Climate Disasters

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

Dear CEOs and Business Leaders,

The recent events unfolding in various parts of the USA are a stark reminder of the relentless onslaught of climate-related disasters. From the devastating tornado that struck a major Pfizer pharmaceutical plant in North Carolina to the scorching heatwaves and floods impacting communities in Kentucky, California, and South Florida, the urgency of addressing climate resilience has never been more apparent.

As leaders of businesses and corporations, you bear a profound responsibility not only to safeguard your operations but also to protect the well-being of your employees and communities. The time has come to recognize the desperate need for emergency food preparedness as a strategic measure to mitigate the risks posed by climate disasters before, during, and after they strike.

The destruction caused by the tornado at the Pfizer plant serves as a poignant example of how extreme weather events can disrupt vital operations, resulting in potential long-term shortages of critical medicines. Having emergency food on-hand has the potential to alleviate the immediate burden on relief efforts, enabling your corporation to maintain essential services and support your workforce during recovery.

By stockpiling non-perishable food items and water, you can ensure that your employees are not left vulnerable in the aftermath of a disaster. This proactive approach not only protects their physical well-being but also fosters a sense of loyalty and dedication, contributing to the stability and continuity of your business in times of crisis.

Furthermore, the impacts of climate change are not limited to a single region. The scorching temperatures in Phoenix and Miami and the rising floodwaters in Kentucky illustrate how diverse locations face unique challenges. Your corporation's preparedness for climate disasters should be comprehensive, adaptable, and region-specific to account for the varying risks and impacts.

Investing in climate research and innovative technologies is paramount to bolster your corporation's resilience. By understanding the intricacies of the climate crisis, you can develop targeted strategies that reduce your carbon footprint and enhance sustainability. Embracing renewable energy, green infrastructure, and sustainable practices can mitigate your corporation's environmental impact and position it as a responsible and forward-thinking leader in the fight against climate change.

Moreover, as CEOs and business leaders, you possess substantial influence and resources to effect change beyond the confines of your corporation. Collaborate with governments and civil society to advocate for policies that incentivize sustainable practices and prioritize climate resilience. By leveraging your collective power, you can create a domino effect that extends far beyond the walls of your corporation, inspiring others to take similar actions and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.

The urgency of the climate crisis demands immediate action. The recent fatalities and heat records are chilling reminders that we must act decisively to mitigate the risks posed by climate disasters. Incorporating emergency food preparedness into your corporation's disaster response strategy is not just a prudent decision but a moral imperative. The well-being of your employees and communities, as well as the long-term viability of your business, hinges on your commitment to climate resilience.

The following climate crisis may be imminent, but so is the opportunity for your corporation to make a transformative difference. Seize the moment, champion emergency food preparedness, and lead the charge toward a more sustainable and resilient future.


Kwiyoung and David Baumgarten

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